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Magazine YAN SELECTION issue 1

Based on YAN BOOKSTORE in Beijing, with the magazines, books and prints, bringing together unique ideas and offering more possibilities for reflection and beauty in life. Also a review of past exhibitions organized by YAN BOOKS 

The magazine is a collection of art books on eight different topics, including painting, photography, fashion, film, architecture and comics, as well three themes: design, life and literature, providing a more professional selection for design professionals and art lovers.


本期作为『YAN SELECTION』的创刊号,通过对《idea》《Toilet Paper》《秋刀鱼》《&Premium》《popeye》《The Big Issue大志》等50本店内畅销杂志的出版信息、刊物涉猎领域及宗旨的详尽介绍,探究了以杂志为代表的纸媒在数字化时代不可替代的魅力。




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YAN books | Magazine YAN SELECTION [01]

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